California Luxury Real Estate

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Looking to sell, rent or buy in California? We have all the latest tools you'll need to make the wisest, most informed decisions possible. At CA Residence, we provide real-time data on California current Real Estate market, making sure you always receive the latest most up-to-date information available. Our concise overview of luxury condo buildings, homes, and California neighborhoods gives you a complete understanding of the oceanfront lifestyle which awaits. We know California, love California, and will help find your perfect California home.

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If you're looking to save on your new California home, pre-construction projects offer that opportunity. Take advantage of this short-lived opportunity and search our up-to-date list for all pre-construction and new construction options currently available. View All New Developments

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If you're in the market to buy a new home, our Virtual Tours and Showings are the safest, most convenient option available. With 360-degree virtual tours of California real estate listings, skip in-person showings and explore properties of interest using the latest technology.

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We know the value of being first when it comes to real estate. It can mean the difference between buying your dream home, or missing out on that unique opportunity. So if you’re looking for the most current listings available, we have you covered. Our "Just Listed" Spage is updated daily and keeps you informed on all the newest listings available in California real estate market.

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